Thursday, December 23, 2010

Prep Work Day 2

Ah it has been a good morning!  I got all but one present wrapped after going to buy present boxes at the store.

On the prep work for the project front, a big "hey" to my beloved friend  Lydia, my first follower.  I must admit that Lydia is part of why I am doing this.  She is an amazing artist who was the first person ever to make me into art.  I still have my portrait along with about half a dozen other paintings and drawing she has done for me.  It is right beside an artist proof that a friend from Boston gave me (she gave her boyfriend print one). 

Lydia's skill and talent are awesome and I can only hope that my little project gets me a 10th of her talent.  I am honored to have her watching this. 

She says that making trees seems a good starting place for the project.  Any other thoughts or ideas out there gang?

In addition, one of my favorite students (who is also a grand artist in the electronic modeling realm) has said he might want to join in on this project and follow along with me.  I am all for that.  In fact, if anyone else wants to be part of the project please feel free to complete any of the tasks I post on your own and send in the results for us all to see.  Seeing the creativity of others can only help inspire our own...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Prep Work or Setting Up a Plan to Better Bret

Okay so this started a week or two ago.  One of my students gave me a gift card to Barnes and Noble as a farewell gift.  He just wanted to thank me for helping him out during his time at school, but what ended up happening was that I got an idea.

I saw a copy of 365 make something every day and change your life.  Having dozens of friends with actual talent, I thought about how uncreative my life has been recently.  I put in the back of my mind that I really needed to kick start my own life a bit.

Over the next several days, I thought a great deal about trying to make myself better through creative acts as a new year's revolution (resolutions are easy to break, but revolutions are hard to put down).  I did some research and decided that if I was in for a penny, I am in for a pound.  I bought several books. Not every one is about doing something every day some are just about seeing the world in more creative ways.

Not every book is here yet since I ordered some online, but I made certain to go back and get 365 so that on January 1st, I can start in.  I will try to ID the book for each idea on each day so some days you will see lots of stuff and on others only one.  I don't feel the requirement to finish each book in a year, but i do think that doing at least one thing every day will expand my worldview.

If you want to help right at the start, I am thinking about what my overall theme for the 365 projects should be.  The author, Noah Scalin, suggest that you pick a single medium or theme for the year of projects.  He used skulls as his project.  I am trying to decide what to use as a theme for mine since I will be using whatever medium I think of each day.

suggestions are welcome at